The Best Wheelchair-Accessible Tour Operators in Ghana


The Best Wheelchair-Accessible Tour Operators in Ghana

The world is changing rapidly, and with quick changes, there has been a positive change in technology. Previously, physically challenged people would not be able to travel around the world and enjoy themselves. However, nowadays technology has changed, and there are wheelchair-accessible companies that provide services for the physically challenged, the elderly, and people with different disabilities. They make sure that elderly and physically handicapped people travel around the world with ease and enjoy their lives.

Additionally, physically challenged people also face issues with business visits, vacation travel, and health issue visits. However, we have accessible wheelchair tour companies that make it fast and convenient for handicapped people to travel around the world. In this guide, we’ll talk about accessible wheelchairs, wheelchair-accessible companies, their services, and much more. We will be focusing specifically on Ghana.

What is an accessible wheelchair?

Wheelchairs that are accessible allow their users to remain seated all the while without getting tired. Some areas and viewpoints are easily accessible to wheelchair users. Numerous locations throughout the world are wheelchair accessible. 


Additionally, everything that is wheelchair accessible might be considered accessible. It could be a car, cab, van, aeroplane, hotel, restaurant, landmark, commercial boulevard, or any other location where wheelchairs are easily accessible and usable without any hesitation, they are referred to as “wheelchair accessible.”

What do wheelchair-accessible companies do?

The companies provide a range of services that make it simple for individuals with disabilities to go about achieving their objectives. The businesses make sure that they provide wheelchair services that are accessible. These services come in a wide range. The companies provide a wide range of wheelchair-accessible vehicles, including automobiles, taxis, hotels, vans, aeroplanes, emergency and non-emergency vehicles, and much more.

Wheelchair-accessible companies exist only to serve the needs of individuals with physical disabilities and ease their travel. Simply put, by employing their services, numerous locations become wheelchair accessible, allowing people with disabilities to access areas that were previously inaccessible to them. Most side streets, well-known tourist attractions, and several more locations are not wheelchair accessible, which is where these businesses come in.

Best wheelchair-accessible company in Ghana

Ghana is a West African country. The country is considered the least developed country in the world; however, it is the fastest-developing country in Africa. A huge number of people with physical disabilities visit Ghana. Even though wheelchairs can’t get to most places in Ghana, there are a few notable exceptions. This is solely because we are the only wheelchair-accessible company operating in Ghana. Medical Taxi is the only accessible wheelchair company operating in Ghana. It is clear that the company is the only one to provide its services to physically challenged elderly people and make sure they travel around Ghana safely.

Medical Taxi is a large company that provides a variety of services for physically challenged people in Ghana. Taxis that can fit wheelchairs, vans that can fit wheelchairs, airport transportation, and both emergency and non-emergency vehicles are all part of the service. Medical Taxi not only serves physically disabled Ghanaians but also people who visit the country for a variety of reasons. Medical Taxi may be the only company in Ghana that can accommodate people in wheelchairs, but they always do a good job. People think of them as the best wheelchair-accessible company, not just because of the quality of their services, but also because of their support, goals, missions, and prices.

What services does Medical Taxi provide?

Medical Taxi is the only business in Ghana that can be reached by wheelchair, so they offer all services that can be reached by wheelchair. Below is a list of their services for physically challenged people in Ghana.

  • Accessible Wheelchair Transportation and Tours in Ghana
  • accessible wheelchair taxis
  • Non-Emergent Medical Transportation
  • Airport Transfer for Wheelchair Users
  • Accessible Wheelchair Van Rentals

Being the only company in Ghana, Medical Taxi has never disappointed its customers. The company has one of the best emergency drivers, who are well trained and professional. Moreover, Medical Taxi has always been there to help and support physically challenged people. Their service is available 24/7. Additionally, Medical Taxi has been getting better with time and technology.

Why is Medical Taxi the best accessible wheelchair tour company?

Medical Taxi is best for Ghana because their drivers are well-trained and professional. Their service is available 24/7 and is pocket-friendly. They provide services of different kinds. Physically challenged people can book Medical Taxi services from the airport, as they provide airport transport too. Medical Taxi has been working hard for the betterment of its services and has made traveling possible for handicapped people around Ghana.


What is an accessible wheelchair company?

An accessible wheelchair company is a business that provides services for physically challenged people.

Which is the best accessible wheelchair company in Ghana?

Although Ghana is a big country, it only has one wheelchair-accessible company, and that is Medical Taxi. We have mentioned their services and why they are the best for Ghana above.

Is Ghana a good country for physically challenged people?

Yes. Ghana is a good country for physically disabled people in terms of traveling for vacations, business visits, and health issues.


Guide to Wheelchair Accessible Cities in Ghana

Guide to Wheelchair Accessible Cities in Ghana

Many individuals come here for several reasons. People travel around Accra when in Ghana; they go there for business, to seek medical help, and for many other reasons. However, wheelchair travel to Ghana might be complicated. It might seem hard for people with physical disabilities to travel to Ghana, but it is not. There are several areas and locations in Ghana where using a wheelchair is quite simple. Furthermore, the Ghanaian company Medical Taxi makes sure that wheelchair accessibility is accessible.

Traveling to Ghana in a wheelchair is possible with only one accessible wheelchair service provider firm. In this guide, we’ll talk about the best wheelchair-accessible cities in Ghana. We’ll also give suggestions for wheelchair-friendly travel and talk about Medical Taxi.

Traveling to Ghana in a wheelchair

Youngsters should travel to Ghana if they wish to experience adventure and exploration. However, elderly people travel for business, leisure, and medical reasons. They include elderly people in Ghana who have physical disabilities and other practical limitations. Travel is accessible if there is an accessible wheelchair. Traveling around is simple for a person with a practical disability when their wheelchair is easily accessible to locations.

What is a wheelchair-accessible city?

Wheelchair-accessible cities are cities that can be accessed by wheelchair users. There are cities designed specifically for wheelchair users so that physically challenged people can visit them as well. Wheelchair-accessible cities have wide streets and large areas, making it easy for wheelchair users to move around the city. Ghana has wheelchair-accessible cities. Although it’s the least developed country in the world, it has cities that are designed in such a way that they are wheelchair accessible. Below are some wheelchair-accessible cities in Ghana with some famous places to visit.

1. Accra

Accra is the capital and largest city of Ghana. It has the most famous and largest buildings in the country. Moreover, the city holds the privilege of having many famous tourist attractions. Ghana has the famous Kwame Nkrumah Museum, the National Museum of Ghana, the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, and many more places.


2. Kumasi

Kumasi is another city in Ghana. Before, buildings and other places in Kumasi were not easy for people in wheelchairs to get to. However, 34 out of 84 buildings were redesigned to make them easier for people in wheelchairs to get to. Kumasi is a wheelchair-accessible city to some extent. It has buildings for businesses that can be visited by physically challenged people who visit Ghana for business trips.


3. City of Cape Town

Cape Town is a town in Ghana, which is another place that is wheelchair accessible. Wheelchair users can roam around sideways in Cape Town and enjoy it. Cape Town is known for its coastal area. Physically challenged people can pay a visit to Cape Town and enjoy the beautiful coastal area.

What are some places to visit in Ghana in a wheelchair?

Even though most of Ghana’s tourist destinations and streets are not wheelchair accessible, getting there may be very challenging or nearly impossible for those with disabilities. The locations mentioned below welcome people who are physically challenged or elderly.

1. Aburi Eastern Region

Wood carving is a common art form in the garden of Aburi. Medical Taxi Services can make Aburi wheelchair accessible. The elderly may tour the villages and gardens and do some fun woodcarving.

2. U.N. World Heritage Site of Cape Coast Castle

This site takes a thorough look into Ghana’s history. People who are physically challenged or elderly can visit this location with wheelchair accessibility and learn about Ghana’s traumatic past. Many sites may be made wheelchair accessible when wheelchair users arrive, and many places already are.

3. Kwame Nkrumah Museum

The museum is an open and wheelchair-friendly place that physically challenged people in their wheelchairs can easily visit.

4. Independence Square

All independence-related points are located in Independence Square. It has famous museums, the Independence Arch, and much more. This Independence Square is a very popular tourist spot. It is in Accra, which is the largest city in Ghana. Independence Square is completely wheelchair-friendly and can be visited by handicapped people.

What are some wheelchair-accessible service providers in Ghana?

Medical Taxi is the only and best wheelchair-accessible service provider in Ghana. They know all the places that are wheelchair accessible and provide the best wheelchair accessibility services. Their services include wheelchair-accessible taxis, vehicles, vans, airport transport, and emergency and non-emergency vehicles. Furthermore, their service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have trained and professional drivers for their taxis and other vehicles.

Additionally, the service Medical Taxi provides is loved by the people of Ghana because they make sure they satisfy their customers. The services of Medical Taxi are also easy on the wallet, so every elderly person with a physical disability can easily pay for them. They ensure that Ghana has places that are wheelchair-friendly so that it promotes tourism, which will eventually help grow the economy. In short, Medical Taxi is a great company that is helping Ghana with its economic growth.


What is the best wheelchair-accessible company in Ghana?

Medical Taxi. It’s the only company in Ghana providing services related to an accessible wheelchair.

What are some tips for travelling in Ghana in a wheelchair?

  • Never visit alone.
  • Plan your trip properly.
  • Book Medical Taxi for its services.
  • Never go to a place alone.

Is Ghana a landlocked country?

No. It has a huge coastal area in Cape Coast, which is a wheelchair-friendly town.


How To Choose Accessible Wheelchair Transport in Ghana

How To Choose Accessible Wheelchair Transport in Ghana

Accessible wheelchairs are wheelchairs in which users can be seated 24/7 and not get tired. Wheelchair accessible can also be places and points where wheelchairs can be used and run smoothly. There are many places around the globe which are designed wheelchair accessible. Besides, a wheelchair accessible can be anything which is accessible with a wheelchair. For example, it can be a car, taxi, van, aeroplane, hotel, restaurant, monument, business avenue and many other places. 


The term wheelchair accessible means where wheelchairs are reachable and can be used without any hesitation. In this blog post, we’ll be talking about how to choose the companies, and reviewing some wheelchair-accessible companies with their advantages and drawbacks. We’ll be providing some tips before you chose a wheelchair-accessible company. We’ll be concluding with some best wheelchair-accessible companies.

What are accessible wheelchair companies?

Wheelchair-accessible companies are businesses which aim to provide assistance and services to physically challenged people. The companies offer a variety of services which makes it easy for handicapped people to travel around and fulfil their purposes. The companies make sure that they offer accessible wheelchair services. These services are of a vast variety. The companies provide accessible wheelchair cars, taxis, hotels, vans, aeroplanes, emergency vehicles, non-emergent vehicles and much more.


The sole aim of the accessible wheelchair companies is to provide services to physically challenged people and make their travelling easier. Simply, using their services many places become wheelchair accessible, and handicapped people can reach points which were difficult through wheelchairs. Mostly, streets sideways, famous tourist points and many other places are not wheelchair accessible, and that’s where here companies come in.

How to choose accessible wheelchair companies?

Choosing a company for their services may be a tough job because you will need to know about their services, the quality of service they provide and the cost of services. These are a few things which you might think of before choosing an accessible wheelchair company. Below are some tips you can follow to choose an accessible wheelchair company.


Tip 1

When choosing an accessible wheelchair company, you need to check the services they are providing. Not every company provides a variety of services. Look for companies that have a variety of services for physically challenged people, and then move forward with the best one.

Tip 2

Always check for reviews. Customer reviews are everything because they let you know the reality of company services, their quality, and their costs. This way, you can know what company services look like in real life. For example, if a company provides accessible wheelchair taxis in Ghana, you must check the reviews of users.

Tip 3

Never fall for cheap rates for services. Many times, companies offer their services at lower prices than those of a competitor. This is because they sometimes provide low-quality services. Don’t fall for them. Instead, if a price seems appealing to you, check their reviews thoroughly, and then decide whether to choose that accessible wheelchair company.

Tip 4

Always search by country. Always search for companies working for particular companies. For example, in Ghana, Medical Taxi is the only company providing accessible wheelchair services. They make sure that their services are of the highest level and the best quality, covering everything. This way, you can search for the best accessible wheelchair company in a specific country and then choose the best among them.

Some top wheelchair-accessible companies

Some companies provide services for physically challenged elderly people.

There are an uncountable number of companies providing services related to accessible wheelchairs. Below are some tour companies that provide services for disabled and physically challenged people to travel around the globe.

Medical Taxi

Medical Taxi is the only accessible wheelchair service provider in Ghana. They intend to provide wheelchair users with a wide range of services. From taxis, cars, and vans that can fit wheelchairs to airport transfers and emergency vehicles that can fit wheelchairs.

Travel For All

Travel For All has organized more than 5000 tours around the globe providing services for slow walkers, disabled people, wheelchair users, dialysis patients, and hearing and vision-impaired people. They aim to provide services to the physically challenged and make them able to travel the world.

Tapooz Travel

Tapooz Travel is another company that provides accessible wheelchair services. They make sure that disabled and physically challenged people can travel around the world. They have a large community that uses wheelchairs; hence, they take care of their travel very closely.


What is an accessible wheelchair?

A wheelchair-accessible location is one that is wheelchair-accessible. Places, where wheelchairs can be used easily and smoothly without any hesitation The world, is changing rapidly, and with that, many places have been designed to be accessible to wheelchairs. Simply put, an accessible wheelchair means a place or point where a wheelchair is accessible.

What are the best wheelchair-accessible companies?

There’s no such thing as best; however, we have mentioned some wheelchair-accessible and travel companies which provide wheelchair-accessible services for physically challenged people

How disabled people can travel around the world?

Disabled or physically challenged people can travel around with wheelchairs and other services provided by companies. Some companies, for example, help people who can’t walk properly. Medical Taxi is one of these companies, and it offers wheelchair services. Then some companies provide services to people who are blind, have hearing problems, or are slow walkers. They aim to provide every person with opportunities to travel and explore the world.

Can I travel with a wheelchair alone?

Yes, you can travel in a wheelchair alone. However, this is not recommended. You can be in trouble or face many problems when traveling alone. Physically challenged elderly people might face problems if they travel alone.


Top Places To Visit In Ghana with a Wheelchair

Top Places To Visit In Ghana with a Wheelchair

Ghana is a country in West Africa. Many people visit for many different reasons. People visit Ghana for travelling around Accra, for business purposes, health reasons and much more. However; travelling to Ghana in a wheelchair can be challenging. Travelling to Ghana might seem impossible for physically challenged people, but it is not. Ghana has some places and points where it is very easy to travel in a wheelchair. Moreover, Ghana’s company Medical Taxi ensures that wheelchair-accessible travel is possible.


Travelling to Ghana in a wheelchair is possible, keeping in mind the only accessible wheelchair service provider company. Although Ghana is considered to be as least developed country in the world, it still has some places which can be visited smoothly in a wheelchair. These places are Accra, the capital city of Ghana, independence square, comprising the independence Arch and some other famous points. In this guide, we’ll be talking about the top places to visit in Ghana with a wheelchair, tips before you visit them, and a guide on how Medical Taxi will help you travel to those places.

Travelling in a wheelchair across Ghana

Young, individuals who want to adventure and discover should visit Ghana. However, older individuals also travel for medical, vacation, and professional reasons. Elderly persons with practical disabilities who have trouble getting around Ghana are included among them. If there is an accessible wheelchair, travelling can be possible. A wheelchair that is easily accessible to places makes moving around convenient for someone with practical disabilities.

Places to visit in Ghana in a wheelchair 

Although the majority of Ghana’s tourist attractions and streets are not wheelchair-accessible, it might be extremely difficult or practically impossible for individuals with disabilities to get there. The places listed below welcome elderly and physically handicapped visitors.

1. Arts Centre

The Art Centre in Accra is one of the wheelchair-accessible locations. Elderly persons may go around and enjoy exploring the area in their wheelchairs that are easily accessible.

2. Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum

Because it is open and wheelchair-friendly, the popular tourist destination Kwame Nkrumah’s Tomb is accessible to those with disabilities.

3. Independence Arch

Older people who are physically challenged can visit and appreciate Ghana’s Independence Arch since it is a large, open area.

4. Independence Square

All of the tourist attractions for Independence Day are located at Independence Square. The Independence Monument is also located in Independence Square. The place is pretty big, which makes it easy for people who use wheelchairs to get around.

5. Aburi Eastern Region

Aburi is a garden where wood carving is popular. Aburi is wheelchair accessible or can be made accessible with a medical taxi. Elderly people can pay a visit to the old villages and gardens and have fun carving some wood.

6. U.N. World Heritage Site of Cape Coast Castle

This site offers a comprehensive look at the history of Ghana. Elderly and physically challenged people can pay a visit to this place with their accessible wheelchairs and learn about the painful history of Ghana. Many places are wheelchair accessible, and many more can be made accessible when wheelchair users pay a visit.

Tips to know before you visit Ghana with a wheelchair

Traveling to Ghana with an accessible wheelchair is a good idea. However, before you travel to Ghana in a wheelchair, we have provided some tips and advice that you can use to travel more efficiently, save energy, and make the most of your limited time.

Tip 1

For the best advice, choose a native Ghanaian travel agency. There are sites in Ghana that are accessible to wheelchair users, but finding them will take a lot of time. If you use a local travel agency, you can get to your destination faster. They will look for the best places to stay, set up wheelchair transportation, and book medical taxi services.

Tip 2

Do a base study and plan for your visit. It might take some time to go to Ghana and then decide where to go, what to see, and how to explore. The travel agency will set up your medical transportation and take care of your need for an accessible wheelchair, but you still need to reserve a quality hotel. a hotel that is designed for physically challenged and elderly people.

Tip 3

Never come alone. It is suggested that you not go alone to Ghana if you are elderly, physically handicapped, or both. Bring a companion because Ghana is a large country and you will need someone to watch after you. It might be challenging to travel alone in Ghana with a wheelchair. If you’re physically disabled, you can hire someone for that as well, but you’ll need someone around-the-clock.

Tip 4

Never go somewhere that’s not made for wheelchairs. There are several tourist attractions as well as sidewalks that are inaccessible to wheelchairs. It’s best to avoid them by taking one of the wheelchair-accessible taxis from Medical Taxi.


Is Ghana a rich country or poor?

Ghana is considered the least developed country in the world. However, it is considered to be the fastest-emerging country in Africa. It is a poor country; however, the places in Ghana are must-visits.

Can I visit Ghana with a wheelchair?

Yes, you can. You can visit Ghana in your wheelchair. Some famous places and tourist points in Ghana are accessible to wheelchair users. However, make sure you read our guide before visiting Ghana with your wheelchair.

Can I bring a physically challenged person to Ghana for a visit?

Absolutely. Ghana is accessible to the elderly and physically disabled people. Medical Taxi provides services such as wheelchair taxis, airport transport, emergency vans, and much more to support you and ensure that physically challenged people can travel around Ghana.

How To Travel Ghana In a Wheelchair

How To Travel Ghana In a Wheelchair

Using a wheelchair normally isn’t a tough job; however, traveling to a particular place in a wheelchair can be challenging. Traveling to a place in a wheelchair at a young is a tough job, not because of the wheelchair but because many places don’t have the proper facility for wheelchair travellers. 


Traveling in a wheelchair can be easy if the wheelchair is lightweight and the places you want to visit have facilities for physically challenged people. Moreover, it also depends on how accessible the wheelchair is. There are physically challenged elderly people who visit places for tourism, business, vacation or health purposes.


Ghana is one of the places that many physically challenged elderly people visit and wish to visit in near future. In this guide, we’ll be highlighting and talking about travelling to Ghana in a wheelchair. We’ll be highlighting some places in Ghana where physically challenged elderly people can pay a visit. We’ll be concluding with some tips and tricks to travel to Ghana with an accessible wheelchair and enjoy the tour.

Travelling Ghana in a wheelchair

Ghana is a place for young confident people who love to do adventures and explore. However, elderly people pay a visit too because of their health, vacation and business purposes. Amongst them are physically challenged elderly people who find it hard to travel around Ghana. Travelling in can be done if there’s an accessible wheelchair. An accessible wheelchair makes it easy for a physically challenged person to travel around.


In Ghana, there is only one company providing accessible wheelchairs and services related to them. The Medical Taxi is the only company that makes sure that physically challenged people don’t miss out on anything and get to travel to their favourite places around Ghana. They provide accessible wheelchairs, accessible wheelchair taxis, non-emergent medical transportation, accessible wheelchair airport transfer and accessible wheelchair van rentals services in Ghana. Talking about Ghana, there are places where physically challenged people can travel in a wheelchair and enjoy themselves. They may or may not require a person with them, totally depending upon them and their health.

Tips to travel Ghana in a wheelchair

As stated above, traveling to Ghana can be challenging for elderly and physically challenged people; hence they require a wheelchair to travel around in Ghana. Below are some tips and tricks elderly travellers can use to travel and better around Ghana.

Tip 1

Hire a local Ghana travel agent for better guidance. Ghana has places designed for wheelchair users; however, it’ll be very time-consuming to find them. Hiring a local travel agent will make it faster for you; they will look for the best place for you to stay, travel with your wheelchair, and arrange the Medical Taxi services for you.

Tip 2

Do your homework and plan your visit. Visiting Ghana and then deciding where to go, what to see, and how to explore can be time-consuming. The tour agent will arrange your medical taxi services and fulfill your accessible wheelchair requirement; however, you need to book a good hotel. A hotel that is designed for physically disabled and elderly people.

Tip 3

Never come alone. If you are an elderly person, physically challenged person, or both, it is advised that you not visit Ghana alone. Bring someone along with you, as Ghana is not a small place and someone needs to be there for you. Traveling to Ghana in a wheelchair alone can be very hard. You can hire someone for that too, but you’ll need them 24/7 if you are a physically challenged person.

Tip 4

Never visit a place that is not designed for wheelchairs. There are many tourist points and side streets that are not designed for wheelchairs. It’s better to avoid them and roam around them in the wheelchair-accessible taxis offered by Medical Taxi.

Places to visit in Ghana in a wheelchair

Although most tourist points and side streets in Ghana are not designed for wheelchairs, it can be very challenging or nearly impossible for handicapped people. Below are a few places where the elderly and physically challenged people can pay a visit.

1:Arts Centre

The Art Center in Accra is one of the places wheelchair users can access. Elderly people with accessible wheelchairs can roam around and enjoy the place.

2: Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum

Handicapped people can easily visit the famous tourist point, Kwame Nkrumah Tomb, as the place is open and designed for wheelchairs.

3:Independence Arch

The Independence Arch in Ghana is a big and open place; hence, it’s easy for physically challenged elderly people to pay a visit and enjoy it.

4:Independence Square

Independence Square is a place where all the Independence Day tourist points are. Independence Arc is also located in Independence Square. The place is quite big, and handicapped people can visit it easily with accessible wheelchairs.


Which wheelchair service providers are best in Ghana?

There’s only one wheelchair-related service provider in Ghana. Medical Taxi ensures that physically challenged and elderly people do not face problems when traveling around Ghana. They provide a vast variety of services. You can check out their service above.

Can I travel to Ghana in a wheelchair?

Yes, you can. Ghana has many places that are accessible by wheelchair. However, most of the sidewalks and tourist attractions are not designed for wheelchairs.

Is it necessary to hire a travel agent in Ghana?

No, it isn’t. You can travel in Ghana without a travel agent too. However, make sure you are not alone; as a handicapped person, it is impossible to travel around in any city in the world. You need someone to help you with your travel in a wheelchair in Ghana.

What are famous places to visit in Ghana in a wheelchair?

In a wheelchair, you can visit the Independent Square, which has the famous Independence Arch. Additionally, you can visit the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, Accra’s Arts Center, and many other tourist points.